Sunday, July 1, 2012

hmmm, work life is really different and i think even though i have much lesser freedom, i prefer work life! at least i don't feel so broke.

when i buy phones, i ALWAYS, never fail to, buy the cheapest phone i can get. my max budget is always $50-100. *so poor thing* but now that i am working, i've decided to get the best phone i can get! hee hee. for now its...


Hmm, realised that i havent been blogging sufficiently to track my own stuff. lets blog in snippets.

New found love for korean band

CN BLUE, and mostly Jung Yonghwa! damn cute la. this is my current favourite song even though it wasnt written by JYH, but i love how JYH sings inside! awww. *melts

New found love for korean variety show - RUNNING MAN!!!
Especially when you are down and feeling emo, just watch an episode of running man and life would be a good again!

Something i wanted to tell my friend but don't dare to
I hate it when people tell me to "get a life". I don't think by complaining everyday about the work that you do for most of your monday to fridays and then only enjoying the weekends and the occasional nights give u a better life than i do. I may sometimes have to work longer on weekdays but my weekends are still precious and i still do my best to meet the friends whom i love and treasure. I'm also afraid of losing my friends, but i know i have friends who will stand by me even if sometimes i don't have enough time for them. and work can be fun too! complaining about work endlessly doesnt make you any happier. *flash teeth* i'm how fortunate! *blessed*

- don't like how my dad doesnt talk to me for a long time. i was thinking if its cos i have been home late or cos i haven't been giving him allowances. when i gave him some days ago, he started to talk to me. -.-" materialistic parents. sighs.

- going phuket with wx, chris and qh in 2 weeks time. people of the same budget should travel tgt. LOL. this is gg to be cheap trip. =( i wanted my villa with a private pooolllll~ and i still want to visit similan island even though its going to cost $100 plus bucks for the day

- had the first "overseas" trip with colleages to johor bahru. lol. but it was fun and filling (as in stomach was very filled)

- don't like how they cut the trees outside my house, now i have full view of NEX and i think people from the NEX carpark can see my house easily. i think i can ask my friends to go to the NEX carpark to wave to me liao.

- work can be fun sometimes all becos of wonderful colleagues. i think i'm still fortunate! but the jobs i'm getting seems to be abit, not to my liking. sigh. i think i can stay on in DT if i want to, but if i keep getting the super cui jobs... sighhhhh.. BU YAO BI WO.

- new realisation that i hate to be treated like a table / shelf/ holder whatsoever. my mentor did that to me already, such an insult. so please don't. If u can put that thing on the table, don't ask me to hold it for you. thanks.


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