Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I'm not a very decisive person I guess, especially when it comes to major decisions in my life. When I was choosing the junior college to attend, I was torn between Victoria and hwachung. Two extremes in terms of nerdiness. To me, it wasn't solely choosing the quality of education, it was a step to my future self. My mum ended up bringing me to a fortune teller and when I popped the question, they said I will never get into hwa Chung. Man, imagine how upset I was. I took up their opinion anyway and put Victoria as the first choice.

Truly dumb. When my grades came out, I don see why I wouldn't have made it into hwa Chung as well. Could have made the decision on better reasons.

But maybe that was why I met my current bf of almost seven years. He's from hwachung tho. And you din heard wrong, I went to Victoria. Maybe if I went to hwachung, I wouldn't have met him. And yes I am so very lucky to have this man in my life.

Back to the point about being indecisive. My firm is truly a slave house. Nonetheless not many can see this fact. People come, people go. Sometimes people make decisions to leave on impulse. The question had been in my mind for a long period of time, months I would say. 

And it is not till recently that I've finally decided, decide from the bottom of my heart, that this place is so not worth working at. Who the hell pays you peanuts and work u till an average of 10pm? I asked my bf if I was exaggerating  if I said I work past 11pm for 80% of my working days. And he agreed, all year round maybe 10pm is a good average. And what for? The audit of financial
Statements? Hmmmm. I understand the demand and need for the service. But tw way we do things? Versus the way other countries do things. Hmmmm. No wonder when Ang Mohs come to Singapore, they think we are dumb. Cos we use the most hardworking way to do the same thing which they use the shortest possible way to get a similar answer. Of cos, we are way more detailed than them. But we have way lesser work life balance. And those detailed work, will only allow us to detect minor misstatements, which we end up q-ing off anyway(lay man terms: consider immaterial and no adjustment required).

Why. Tell me why. Why do we torture ourselves?

I'm gonna stay another 2 months to save money for another overseas travel this year end. Till then, more late nights to come. Zzz.


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